UK Equities

Episode 7: ...To What's Next?

Video | 15 Nov 2024
Clive Beagles
James Lowen
In the final episode of From the Mild to the Wild, fund managers Clive Beagles and James Lowen reflect on 20 years of managing the JOHCM UK Equity Income Fund and what excites them about the future. They discuss their contrarian investment approach, the importance of risk-taking, and the evolving landscape of active versus passive management, highlighting lessons learned from navigating macroeconomic shifts, crises, and technological changes.
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Video Clive Beagles James Lowen JOHCM UK Equity Income UK Equities
Clive Beagles
Senior Fund Manager
Clive co-manages the JOHCM UK Equity Income Fund, alongside James Lowen, and is one of the UK’s most highly respected equity income managers.
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James Lowen
Senior Fund Manager
James Lowen, Senior Fund Manager, co-manages the JOHCM UK Equity Income Fund, one of the UK's leading equity income funds.
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