Our Funds

Asian Equities

Emerging Markets Equities

European Equities

Global Equities

UK Equities

  • JOHCM UK Dynamic Fund (offshore)

    The team look for business transformation opportunities, under the belief that companies are dynamic and not static. These are companies that are at low points in their lifecycle, where management recognises there is a need for strategic change. These situations are often accompanied by a change in senior management or the board. These companies tend to follow a similar process: stabilise and restructure the balance sheet, employ stricter capital allocation, and sustainably improving the business model. As this plays out, the stock begins to re-rate as the market recognises the higher growth, margins, and cashflows delivered from the streamlined efficiencies.

  • JOHCM UK Dynamic Fund (onshore)

    The team look for business transformation opportunities, under the belief that companies are dynamic and not static. These are companies that are at low points in their lifecycle, where management recognises there is a need for strategic change. These situations are often accompanied by a change in senior management or the board. These companies tend to follow a similar process: stabilise and restructure the balance sheet, employ stricter capital allocation, and sustainably improving the business model. As this plays out, the stock begins to re-rate as the market recognises the higher growth, margins, and cashflows delivered from the streamlined efficiencies.

  • JOHCM UK Equity Income Fund

    Established stock pickers James Lowen and Clive Beagles operate a strict yield discipline: they only buy stocks that they believe will yield more than the FTSE All-Share Index on a prospective basis, although every stock held must also have the potential for capital appreciation. This focus on higher-yielding stocks leads to a naturally contrarian style. Unlike many UK equity income funds, the fund managers have a track record of adding significant value from small and mid-cap holdings.

    This fund is not available to new investors from the European Union after 31 December 2020

  • JOHCM UK Growth Fund

    Mark Costar and Vishal Bhatia aim to identify mispriced or undiscovered growth stocks that typically reside in one of three categories: the clear and unassailable market leader, the innovator or market disruptor and the supply side beneficiary. The Fund typically has a small-cap bias and contains stocks that have a high margin of safety but significant upside potential.

  • JOHCM UK Opportunities Fund

    Fund managers Rachel Reutter and Michael Ulrich, supported by experienced analyst Eoghan Reid, run a concentrated portfolio of best-in-class UK large and mid-cap companies.

    They invest in companies with reliable cashflows which they expect and encourage management to invest back into their businesses to sustain future growth. The team conduct their own work on sustainability that goes beyond the box-ticking exercises conducted by rating agencies. They engage with management teams to encourage them to develop transparent and meaningful sustainability goals.

    The team view markets as cyclical, inefficient and prone to bouts of irrational behaviour, where capital can be permanently destroyed. They believe that a focus on capital preservation is key to achieving long-term growth. The team look for companies with strong balance sheets and robust accounting, where organic investment is prioritised over ego-boosting and value-destroying acquisitions. They believe sell discipline is an underrated skill and use valuation control to protect clients’ capital.

    The team buy companies whose end markets benefit from tailwinds that will enable these firms to grow over long periods. They avoid businesses reliant on an economic cycle or mature markets, where growth can only be achieved through a fight for market share.

    The team run a concentrated portfolio and are unconstrained by sector or benchmark weights. This absolute approach to portfolio construction means the portfolio will have no exposure to areas of the market that the fund managers believe will destroy value.

    The result is a high conviction portfolio of best-in-class companies with attractive growth and valuation characteristics.


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